Saturday, 19 April 2014

Hello World!

Hello everyone!

It is difficult to start a post so I guess me stating that will be the introduction.

Anyways, I am an just another ordinary 15 year old who decided to start a blog to see how long it can last. I did something like this a while ago but that was in a Word document. Doing this on an online blog feels more exciting, like anything else that is public; except pooping. It might just be me, but going to the bathroom anywhere other than my own washroom is very difficult and stressful. It's even worse when there are people around. For example, I can never lay a big mud monkey in my friend's house because if I am too quick, they might question whether or not I wiped or whatever. Take too long and then everything thinks you have constipation. This could just be my strange social anxiety considering that I also have a hard time blowing my nose in a room with other people. Most of the time, in consideration of others, I try to tone down the volume of my blowing. Normally when I'm alone, my nose clearing sessions sound like someone drowning mixed with the big bad wolf blowing down poor piggy's house. As a result of this, I can never shoot out all the luggy onto a tissue, it usually gets the the front of my nostrils and gets stuck, forcing me to spend around 5 minutes standing above a trash can with a handful of tissues. The worst is when someone notices my struggle, "You alright there Nick?", "Uh yeah, I'm uh, just - PFF pFF pff. Just got allergies or something", "It's the middle of December, what are you allergic to?", "Like pollen or cold or something, I'm alright I swear, I can blow my nose".

Yes, I am very very awkward.

Anyways, enough about that, I'll try to keep each of these blog posts relatively short. I'll update whenever I have a story or have something on my mind. Probably once or twice a week, you wouldn't think that a high school kid has that much to say eh?

Oh and if you're wondering where the name of this blog comes from, my family and I went to ROM (Royal Ontario Museum) recently since we live fairly close to Toronto. There, the Aboriginal Exhibition had a lot of information on Wigwams. I thought it was a funny word and "I entered the Wigwam" sounded all artsy and silly so it kind of just stuck.

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