Saturday 19 April 2014

Easter Ramblings

Rabbits laying chocolate eggs. What is associated with that? Most likely, Easter.


The last time I checked, Easter is the celebration of the rebirth of Christ. How has something like that evolved (heh, see what I did there?) into rabbits hiding chocolate eggs for children. I mean if it was a chicken or a turkey I would understand a little because they actually lay eggs. But a rabbit?! South Park addressed this strange association in the episode "Fantastic Easter Special", the 5th episode of the 11th season. Their hypothesis is that the Saint Peter was in fact, a rabbit. Aside from rabbit cults, I am genuinely curious as to why this happens. And why stop there? How did Christmas go from the birth of Jesus Christ to a fat man climbing through your chimney's, leaving presents, and taking cookies and milk as payment? In the famous words of Antoine Dodson, AKA bed intruder, "He's climbin' in your windows, he's snatchin' your people up, tryin' to rap 'em" or in the case of Christmas, "He's climbin' in your chimney, he's snatchin' your cookies, tryin' to eat 'em". Is this all a marketing scheme to persuade people to buy chocolates and presents? It would not be the first time something like this has happened. If anyone can recall with me, diamonds are actually not that rare. It was all a marketing ploy in the 19th century after massive deposits of diamonds starting showing up in Africa. They were able to convince the public that a diamond ring is necessary for a wedding, making billions in the process. I'm not so sure if chocolate eggs can make that much money but crazier things have happened. I guarantee you, I'm not a crazy conspiracy creator. "BREAKING NEWS, CHOCOLATE COMPANIES HAVE BEEN MAKING BILLIONS SELLING US CHOCOLATE EGGS. EASTER BUNNY INVOLVED IN PLOY"

So, I would like to hear from you guys, my valuable readers why you think Easter has been associated with rabbits laying chocolate eggs. I must learn the truth behind this. And in the wise words of Antoine Dodson again, "we gonna find [it], home boi".

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