Saturday, 27 September 2014

Interacting with Others

Hey everybody, this post may contain some opinions that are unpopular so please try to keep an open mind while reading.

This past summer I've been dragged into the hit CBS reality show, Big Brother (as I am every year). The premise of the show is simple. There are 16 strangers that are locked away into a house, having no interaction with the outside world (no internet, books, phones) and each week, they vote to evict one of them until there is one left. The remaining HouseGuest (as they're called) wins $500,000. Now there are a lot of other things that go into the game so it isn't mindless voting. There are opportunities to win power throughout the week and the game becomes very political as a result. In order to win, HouseGuests end up becoming very deceiving, paranoid, and sneaky. Ever since I've started becoming sucked in, I started to notice these traits in everyday life.

Now before we go any further, I want to stress that the interactions that I'm discussing here aren't ones with people that you're close with but with acquaintances/strangers. If you're in school, I'm talking about the people you know but don't really interact with. The types of people where when you're talking to them, you are constantly restraining yourself from speaking freely because you worry about your appearance or image. There are some moments where I feel as if I'm just reading lines and acting out this "conversation" act with people. You know, the common "Hey how are you doing? I'm doing great, and you? Yeah me too". To me, conversation should be a time to get to know one another but it's become more and more common for a conversation to be a test if you can "fit in". If you're still confused on what I'm saying, consider this scenario. You're at a grocery store and someone's roudy kid (aged 9-12) comes up and spills juice all over you. The mother runs up and says something like "Oh so sorry about that". It is almost an unwritten rule that you pretend that it's no big deal even if it really is. Some kid just did something stupid and you're just supposed to say "Oh it's no big deal ma'am, I'm totally okay with this. I'm happy for this to happen everyday".

Why is it like this? Is it people becoming more sensitive or is it a courtesy thing? It's already pushing the boundaries to decline someone's advice because they will likely get offended or something. I feel like I'm playing Big Brother 24/7 where I have to watch what I say and I make decisions purely to further a friendship or improve my image. I don't even want to get into peer editing in English Class. I can barely even give honest opinions, much less expand on it.

Now my opinion on what people (and you) should do.

1. Don't judge people based off small things said. There's a common phrase which is "actions speak louder than words". If someone who acts kindly towards you accidentally slips out a contrasting opinion to yours, don't get mad at them for having a different opinion or view. If they have made efforts to comfort or make you happy, understand that they truly care about how they appear to you and there's no reason to hold that against them.

2. Think twice before you speak. While it may appear that I am trying to get people to be more willing to take "negative" opinions, also know that unless necessary, there's really no need to constantly vent out your true thoughts. It is human nature to feel uncomfortable if someone is vastly different than you, there's no changing that. So if there's no need, you really shouldn't be bringing up controversial topics with people out of the blue. That being said, when it matters, make sure to voice your opinion.


Sorry everybody for another substantial hiatus, the school year has started and I've been busy. Another thing, I understand that this piece was rather poorly written with thoughts everywhere, I wrote this one over the course of several weeks so that's why my thoughts are not as well collected as they usually are. As the regular schedule of school settles in, I will find time to continue this blog because it is honestly very fulfilling to work on. So I have a couple of drafts still that are pretty close to being finished so expect a Movie Thoughts soon. Thanks y'all!